where else? :)


yup, cold, bright, beautiful


En route. Good morning, world!


Ah, thanks!

I lurk more than I chat but I am very interested, nay invested, in the additional features of 10c for much the same reasons that inspired in the first place.

// @kdfrawg

Cold and mostly overcast today so here is a photo from yesterday when it was cold and sunny (I appreciate that cold is a relative term in this context)


If you like railways and history then this virtual anthology of papers from the Journal of Victorian Culture may be of interest http://explore.tandfonline.com/content/ah/jvc-editors-choice

@kdfrawg Although I'd have to admit that the BL is not the best organised and some scans are either low resolution or split, presumably to deter "harvesting". The late 1890 fire insurance maps in particular have proven very useful.

@kdfrawg To those I'd add the British Library and David Rumsey

@kdfrawg Yep, old maps are the next best thing to a time machine